How To Play?
To join our leagues, you can register as an individual, small group or whole team! Once you've selected the sport you'd like to play, simply click on the registration link, which will direct you to the sign-up page.
As part of registration, you'll also be asked to select your shirt size, as each team will receive a uniquely colored Viva Sports shirt to represent their team. This personalized experience ensures that everyone is ready to join their team in style and enjoy the league.
You're ready to go solo, and we'll take care of getting you on a team.
Small Group
You have one or two friends who wish to stay together, but not enough to form a team. We will ensure that the entire group is assigned to the same team.
Prepaid Team
You have enough friends to form an entire team.
Step 2:
Emails and schedules will keep you updated on everything that's going on. Just arrive on time for the first game and enjoy!